You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for April calendar printable templates for work or home. This website provides fantastic designs of April calendars with some impressive themes. You may utilize these lovely and printable calendars to make arrangements, keep commitments, and achieve goals.
Floral April Calendar Template
There are a variety of calendar designs and formats that have been developed over the years.
All calendars are designed to be printed on different paper sizes. All calendars can easily be printed in US letter size (8.5” x 11” paper). You can also change the paper type and orientation as per your needs.
Major holidays are already mentioned in the holiday section of this post. You can customize the calendar and create a holiday list and additional details.
April 2024 Calendar- Water Color
Having a watercolor design gives your calendar a personal touch. This template has a muted color scheme with white and light black contrasts. The actual calendar dates are in soft black to make them pop out and be easily seen.

Multi Flower- April Calendar Template
This wildflower design gives a natural and rustic feel to your April 2024 calendar. It is a perfect design for anyone who loves nature and wants to bring a bit of the outdoors inside their home.

Red Roses- April Calendar with Notes
This red roses April calendar template can help brighten your month. Its beautiful red roses design will surely add warmth and happiness to your days. Print out the template and hang it up somewhere you’ll see it often, such as on your fridge or office.

Floral April Calendar- Cactus & Leaves
This cactus and leaves floral April 2024 calendar is perfect for adding a touch of nature to your month. The green colors represent the change, and the cactus and leaves add a unique twist.

Free April Calendar Printable Templates
A calendar can be used for various purposes, including tracking events, marking special occasions, and keeping a schedule.
Professionals in many fields, such as business, government, and academia, use calendars to make crucial decisions and keep track of events. In addition, individuals often use calendars to organize their schedules.
More Calendars:
- April May 2024 Calendar
- April May June 2024 Calendar
- April to July 2024 Calendar
- April to September 2024 Calendar
Blank April Calendar Template
Having blank 2024 April calendars is an opportunity to use your creativity to fill in the blanks with whatever you want. You can use this calendar to track your appointments and events for the month. You can also use it to plan your vacation or travel schedule.

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Italic Font- Printable April Calendar
Italic fonts give a feeling of sophistication and can be used to add a touch of style to your calendar. If you are looking for a printable April calendar with italic font, look no further! This calendar is perfect for anyone who wants to add a bit of personality to their schedule.

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April Calendar Printable- Pink Header
It combines cute and printable designs for you to use as your April 2024 calendar. Print these out and enjoy having a nice-looking calendar for the month.

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Segoe UI Font- 2024 April Calendars
If you want calendars in a font that is easy to read, then Segoe UI Font Calendar is the way to go. This type of calendar is perfect for those who need help reading smaller print or those who want a sober look for their home or office.

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Important Holidays & Dates in April
This section explains about major holidays of April Month. You can remember the important dates and plan accordingly.
April Fool’s Day
April Fool’s Day, also known as Fools’ Day, is celebrated on April 1. It is a day that celebrates the tradition of playing jokes on friends and sending fool errands. Sometimes big organization is too involved in playing the jests on their employees.
It is a social event that is celebrated across the world. In the United States of America, people usually follow it as the working day, but they tease their friends or relatives while working at offices and shops.
Good Friday
Good Friday is the Christian holiday commemorating the death of Jesus Christ on the iron nails. On this day, Jesus was crucified by the Roman king in Jerusalem.
Good Friday is a public holiday for all government offices, schools, and other departments. This year it will be celebrated on Friday, April 7.
This event is a day of mourn and sadness as all the churches start their services in the afternoon.
Final Thoughts
Finally, a powerful time management tool makes people more productive and efficient as working professionals, students, and teachers. The April Calendar 2024 Printable tool helps you manage time throughout the month.
You can download and print the free printable April calendars free. Don’t forget to share it with friends and family. You can also share it on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.