You Won’t Believe How This Young Man Transformed a Dumpster Skip into a Tiny House – The Interior Will Surprise You!


Marshall’s dumpster home kitchen isn’t just for cooking; it’s a marvel of innovative design and efficient space usage. It boasts everything you’d expect in a regular kitchen. It’s incredible how much it resembles a conventional house—and that’s just the start.


Crafted beautifully from wood, the kitchen features ample storage thanks to numerous shelves and cupboards. Naturally, it includes all the essentials like a sink and stove, allowing Marshall to whip up delicious meals with enough room to entertain guests!


Impressive, right? The cleverly positioned bed accommodates a two-person mattress—who would have thought? The light-colored wood throughout enhances the sense of space, making the ambiance feel much larger. Despite measuring only 25 sq ft, the skyrocketing housing prices in London make this Skip a staggering $25,000! Now that’s one pricey dumpster.

Ready to see more? Go to the next page for the remainder of the tour that shows the rest of the house.

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